Financial Consultant

John Tidwell

Application form

REAL Application

Application form

CORE Fund Application

John Tidwell's Bio

My wife Julie and I have five children and have been married for 24 years.  Just after getting married, I worked with charities to raise funds for life changing missions that needed the resources to continue operating.  Along that journey for over 22 years I met many families that were very successful financially and incredibly generous.  It’s something that gives hope to humanity when you meet these kind of folks.  These individuals were such joy to work with!  Their gifts gave charities the resources to bring hope to people with such great needs.

It’s my new passion to help people grow their wealth and make our communities and world a better place.  I am so encouraged by the passion that Drive Planning has to help clients financially reach new levels of success and think in ways they may have never thought about money.  Our teams working together for a mission that can literally change the world for the greatest good.  I want to help families and individuals grow their wealth and reach their full potential on this journey.


Family time
Mission Work and Church
Many Sporting Events
Fresh and salt water fishing
Camping / Hiking
Learning something new every day